Places to Eat
Our region offers a variety of local dining options, ranging from cozy small-town cafes to family-friendly diners and classic American eateries. Each of these counties offers unique dining experiences that highlight small-town charm and locally-sourced flavors. Whether you’re craving a hearty meal, comfort food, or a quick coffee stop, there’s something for everyone to enjoy.
Ally Cat
Alibi Lounge & Grill
The Vine
Gnometown Grounds
The Blender Co Cafe
La Plazita Restaurant
Box Office Candy Shoppe
Falls Café & Canoe
Talking Waters Brewing Company
Canby Farmers Market
Table 212 Chophouse
Clarkfield Cafe
Bluenose Gopher Public House
Family Food
AgPlus Cenex
Jim's Market
Moberg Meat Center
Independent Oil
Casey's General Store
Midway Cafe
Cenex Travel Plaza
Go, Set, Ready Coffee
Ascheman Oil Co
Sherrie's Cafe
Lac Qui Parle Co-op Oil Company
Tim's Food Pride
Boyd Community Cafe
75 One Stop
Dairy Queen
J&J Chinese
Kornerstone Kravings
Porter Cafe & Grocery
Club 7-75
Ortonville VFW
Pioneer Meat Market
Lingonberry's Pastry and Coffee shop
Lakewood Supper Club
Hartman's Supervalu Foods
Ally Cat
Graceville Tri-County Co-Op
Don's Alleys
NorthStar Saloon
Bonnie's Hometown Grocery
Bobby Jo's Cafe and Catering
Berkner Pizza
Dooley's Petroleum
Marc's On Main
Almich's Grocery Store
Java River
Granite Grinder Cafe & Gifts
El Paraiso Latino Market & Mexican Restaurant
Milan Beach (Randall's Resort)
Appleton Farmers Market
Benson Farmers Market
Granite Falls Farmers Market
Madison Farmers Market
Prairie's Edge Casino Resort
Watson Hunting Camp & RV Park
Benson Bakery & Coffee Shop
Carl's Bakery
American Legion Post 359
The Rock Dining and Events
Checkered Flag
Patrick's Pub & Grill
McKinney's on Southside
VFW Post 4955
River Crest Golf Course
Duffy's Good Time Saloon
American Legion Club Post #69
Groat's Boars Nest
DeGraff Liquor Store
Danvers Municipal Liquor Store
Inn Like Flinns
Prairie Pub
VFW Post 1656
Good Ol' Days Cafe
Pantry Cafe
Sherrie's Cafe
Peg's Place
Donner's Crossroads Cafe & Truck Stop
Sandy's Cafe
Cup 'A Joe Espresso & Eats
R & R Bakery & Coffee Shop
Granite Falls Cenex
Ascheman Uni-Mart
bp Handi-Stop
Casey's General Store
Cenex Deli Max
The Corner Stop
Casey's Convenience Store
Food 'N Fuel
Holiday Station Store
Casey's General Store
Cenex Lac qui Parle Co-op Oil
Casey's General Store
Casey's General Store
Bill's Supermarket Deli
Darold's Super Valu
Do-Mats Family Foods/Deli
Almich's Market
Jubilee Foods
Tim's Food Pride
Don's Food Pride
Wanda's Coffee Cup Cafe
DeToy's Family Restaurant
P K Egans Family Restaurant
Rivers Family Restaurant
Budger's Dinner House
Mi Mexico
Whistle Stop Diner
The Meat Shoppe
Bellingham Legion
Dairy Queen
Art's Dairy Freeze (Seasonal)
Benson Dairy Queen
Burger King
Dairy Queen
Dairy Queen
Grand Buffet
J&S One-Stop
Ortonville Dairy Queen
Marietta American Legion - Post 156
Jake's Pizza
Jimmy's Pizza
Jimmy's Pizza
Boyd Liquor Store
American Legion Post #59